Urban Network Capital Group (UNCG) has developed a unique concept, pushing the boundaries of real estate to offer units that accommodate all family needs in an exclusive environment. We offer high-end services and facilities: the latest in smart technology, European-style furniture, commercial space and impressive views.
* All units available for feature upgrades including outdoor kitchen, backsplash, quarts countertop, furniture package, and kitchen appliances
Developer: UNCG
Architect: Concepto
Total Units: 180
(48 Single Family Homes & 132 Townhouses)
Developer: UNCG
Architect: Concepto
Total Equity: $10M
Total Units: 180
(48 Single Family Homes & 132 Townhouses)
Lot Area (Acres): 28.04
Gross Area (SQFT): 485,760
Sellout: $132M
Average per SQFT: $271